Category Archives: Flipped learning

Flipped learning

Flipped Learning is teaching as it would be in an ideal world focusing on interaction and activities. I think that most teachers today want to facilitate exciting projects and activities in the classroom, but feel a lack of time. I hope that Flipped Learning is the tool that will help us in that direction. Before I continue you might want to watch the video for more info on the concept:

Video about flipped learning 5.45 min

I began using flipped learning in my arts classes before I really knew the concept. I just made an instructional video for my students. We were about to fold a little notebook. I’d tried it before and knew, it would be difficult for my first graders – everyone working in different paces and having a hard time following my hands from the back of the classroom.

I used way too much time preparing that little video, but it’s the best teaching material, I’ve ever made for my self. It gave me time in the classroom to help the ones who needed me instead of standing behind the desk. I’ve afterwards used the video in several ways:

  1. As instruction for the whole class in the classroom.
  2. As an individual tool for the students to watch on an ipad in the classroom.
  3. As an extra assignment for students, who are waiting for the rest to finish their projects.
  4. And latest in a flipped learning context, as homework for the students to prepare before the lessons.

In the video above it’s explained how very special it is, when your own teacher has made the instructional video, but had the notebook video been available to me, I would have used it instead of making my own (my time for preparation are limited though).

… so I’ve chosen to upload my video to youtube, so you can access it for free and use it with your students as well.

The Notebook – the Legoman and the Carousel

I hope to be able to upload more videos, when I get the time…

What video would you wish, I would make to help you?

See this link for a list of my videos